6 Ways In Which You Can Revive A Start-up After The Lockdown

With each passing day, it’s becoming clearer that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health crisis but also a grave crisis for the economy. Although the situation is dire,  all is certainly not lost. 

This is a great time for startups to reflect, adapt and respond to a situation that may last several months. Also, remember that this pandemic will not last forever and once life gets back to normal you’ll need to think about post COVID-19 marketing ideas.

Here are 6 tips to give your start-up a head start

1. Where help is available, take it

In this difficult time a lot of help has been offered to businesses. Facebook is, at the moment, offering $100 million in grants and ad credit to small businesses. Google has unlocked the premium features of Hangout Meets. So, take the time to find out what resources can be useful to your business. Also, understand what sort of financial support your local government may be offering for a business like yours. 

2. Change your approach

Yes, this is definitely not the time for face-to-face meetings. But you can always arrange for a call or a video conference. So do make a list of all the plans you had in place. Then consider how you can still make some of those things happen with a slightly different more socially-distanced approach. Meet clients, employees, suppliers and partners via video conference as often as you can. It’s a great way to stay top of mind. 

3. Say what needs to be said 

With this pandemic there will be a lot of new developments and important updates. As a brand, keep a close eye on which issues you ought to discuss and which ones are best avoided. 

Consider questions like:

– Is this topic in your area of expertise?

– What skills do you as a company have, that you can share with your stakeholders as a gesture of goodwill?

– Does your content have an empathetic tone?

– Does it seem like you’re overtly plugging your brand?

Creating the right topical content will really help your startup be top of mind. However, do be judicious about what you decide to publish.

4. The right content, at the right place

At this time you can definitely send e-mailers, share blogs and engage on your social media channels. But what will also help is having relevant content on your landing pages. From information relating to the functioning of your startup and how it is affected by COVID-19, to the announcements you want all your potential customers to know about, make sure these items are clearly displayed on your landing pages.

5. Content-wise, time is on your side

Remember that with this lockdown, people have more time to consume content. So develop and curate content that will be useful to your brand, your stakeholders and your customers.

The right video content marketing ideas could go a long way in helping your brand gain greater traction. These videos do not have to be specific to COVID-19. They can have different information in the form of training modules or even lighter entertaining content that has a simple message that’s important to your consumer and connected to your brand.

6. Engage using video content 

The most engaging way to communicate with your audience is through video content.  Studies have shown that buying decisions are influenced positively once prospects have viewed explainer videos that showcase the benefits of an offering. In this slow period, where people have more mind space and time than usual, it’s a good idea to formulate your video content market strategy. Once the lock down is lifted, you’ll be the first out of the gate when it comes to reaching prospects and clients through a well-crafted video-first narrative. 

And finally, a pro-tip!

Make sure you work with the best explainer company in your city to create your videos. It’s possible that they will have dropped their rates and you’ll have worked with the best teams to produce videos that drive business results. 

If you need an explainer video or marketing video ideas post COVID-19, visit https://rippleanimation.com.

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